Day three of the competition began, and the elite rescue team from Espeleosocorro Sin Fronteras faced a jungle scenario. The tests took place on a bridge approximately 60 meters high.

The first test consisted of rescuing a supposed cyclist who had fallen. To do this, they had to send a team member down to assess the situation and determine the necessary equipment.
After sending a team member down, the rules of the test were changed and the team was given new instructions: they had to descend to rescue the victim, stretcher him in the air, and then ascend with him. They completed this test with a good time, taking around 26 minutes to complete the entire maneuver.
The next test took place on the same bridge, where they had to throw two ropes, descend one, and ascend the other. This maneuver was mandatory for the entire team, including the team leader. They successfully completed the test, maintaining the good times they had achieved in the previous tests.

The fourth and final day took place in a football stadium and consisted of four stages:
- STAGE 1: From the top of the stadium, towards the stands, they had to assemble a gantry crane, with penalties for stepping out of a certain area without anchoring themselves. They were able to complete this test with very few mistakes.
- STAGE 2: This took place on the roof of the stadium. At the highest point, they set up a zip line to the street, where they had to take out the stretcher. We can say that they excelled in this test, being the fastest to complete it and without accumulating any mistakes.
- STAGE 3: This took place inside the building, where they had to pass the stretcher through a stairwell until it reached an upper floor, move it, and go up to the top through the other stairwell. In short, a quite complex maneuver. Even so, they managed to complete this test with almost no mistakes and achieved the best time.
- STAGE 4: They had to lower a victim from the highest part of the stadium where there is a walkway with lifelines, make a pendulum with the stretcher, and then raise the victim back up. In this test they obtained the maximum score, with no mistakes and the best time.
Without a doubt, this great team has given it their all in each of the tests and they have shown it until the end. From La Línea Vertical, we are very proud to have been a part of this great adventure as one of its main sponsors.