G8 CAPACITACIONES conducts a confined space rescue course for a mining company in Calama

G8 CAPACITACIONES has recently carried out a rescue course in confined spaces for an important mining company in the city of Calama, with a duration of two days.

The course was given to around 30 people from this mining company, to whom our trainers demonstrated the different rescue techniques depending on the situation. Rescue manoeuvres were carried out with the aid of mechanical advantage systems and with systems for transferring injured personnel immobilised by means of stretchers, as well as the use of various anti-fall safety systems.

It was a very enjoyable two days in which the staff who participated in this course, as well as the administrative and management staff who carried out this activity, were very satisfied.

Furthermore, conversations were held to continue the training of their teams, establishing strategic alliances between this mining company and G8 Capacitaciones, to train them exclusively in the near future.