LA LÍNEA VERTICAL is a pioneer in the use of drones in industrial and hazardous installations, thanks to which we provide our clients with information, without the need to stop, on the state of key equipment such as flare burners, tanks, chimneys, or jetties.
We carry out very complete and exhaustive inspections with the most advanced technology, as our company has the latest technology on the market. We use different drones with different features and specific characteristics, adapted to the various services we offer with UAVS (unmanned aerial vehicles). Our collaborations with custom drone manufacturers such as VES-Robotic allow us to carry out specific applications for each client, guaranteeing maximum safety and reliability.
At LA LÍNEA VERTICAL we have different licenses, accreditations and legal authorizations necessary to operate in different countries. We are accredited, among others, by the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (AESA), which reports to the Ministry of Public Works and is the competent authority for the regulation of Spanish airspace, and we collaborate with CATEC, the Advanced Centre for Aerospace Technologies, set up and managed by the Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development (FADA).

One of the services most demanded by our clients are contact inspections, which are carried out using ultrasound and eddy current techniques in places that are difficult to access or have dangerous access. These advanced techniques are required to be able to know in detail the state of the oil and gas infrastructure (Oil&Gas) and are certified to estimate the condition of pipelines and other infrastructure, also supporting with visual or thermographic inspection.
Leading the way in research with the ICDron project
LA LINEA VERTICAL is at the forefront of research into industrial drone applications. The Spanish Innovation Certification Agency (ACIE) confirmed this by granting recognition as R&D to the ICDron project, developed in the period 2017-2021 by LA LÍNEA VERTICAL, CEPSA and DRONETOOLS, with the participation of the Advanced Centre for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), in accordance with the provisions of Law 27/2014 and RD 1432/2003 of 21 November.
The main objective of the ICDron research project was to test and evolve a system for the inspection of infrastructures in the Oil & Gas sector (Oil & Gas) based on a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) or drone, which is capable of maintaining contact at altitude, while flying, accurately and safely.
The company, with which we collaborate, has industrialized this innovative drone system for contact inspection that integrates the results of more than ten years of research and development of the CATEC technology Center in aerial robotic manipulation. This drone can be used in any orientation and type of structure, such as tanks, flares, and chimneys, among others, and has a specific “inspection” flight mode that speeds up the execution of contact inspection operations.