Installation of translucent materials in Peru

Replacement of roofs with a secure and durable fastening at a plant in Agustino, Peru.

At LA LÍNEA VERTICAL, safety is always our main goal and to achieve it, we use the best materials and carry out the most advanced techniques, adapted to each situation. This is the case of the work we have recently carried out in Peru, at the Agustino plant of a leading company in the production of a wide range of products, including pipes, fittings, drainage systems, sewerage and underfloor heating, where we have carried out the task of changing the translucents as part of the scheduled maintenance work.

instalación translúcidos perú
instalación translúcidos perú

This action, which has been carried out by a team of nine technicians from LA LÍNEA VERTICAL, is essential to guarantee the optimal functioning of the installations and forms part of the routine maintenance activities carried out to ensure the efficiency and safety of the company’s industrial processes.

The maintenance activities were scheduled to be carried out on a Sunday, due to delays caused by plant availability, and involved the replacement of roofing in a section of the main hall of the plant located in El Agustino.

instalación translúcidos perú
instalación translúcidos perú

During the replacement process, it was discovered that the previous roofs were bonded with a cement mix, which presented a risk to the integrity of the new roofs by increasing the likelihood of leakage through the translucent roofs. As a preemptive measure, it was decided to use a suitable type of adhesive to ensure a secure and durable bond, thus ensuring effective maintenance and protection of the installations against future damage.