At LA LÍNEA VERTICAL we take care of the environment very seriously and, to the best of our ability, we work taking into account the Objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the UN, which are “the master plan to achieve a sustainable future for all”, according to the international institution itself.
Thus, both in the offices and in the field, at LA LÍNEA VERTICAL we identify, evaluate, record and classify the waste we generate in order to obtain uncontaminated waste with greater possibilities for reuse and recycling, pursuing responsible production and consumption, which is Goal 12 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.
In this regard, our company has created a manual of good environmental practices to reduce electricity consumption, water consumption and fuel consumption in our vehicles as much as possible. Thus, we periodically identify, evaluate and control environmental aspects and risks to reduce them and meet the targets we set ourselves each year in our good practice manual.
Furthermore, at LA LÍNEA VERTICAL we have a firm recycling policy. We have a large volume of material and equipment which, at the end of their useful life, we recycle to give them a second life, reusing them or converting them into other materials for different uses.
In 2023 we decided that La Línea Vertical should be more sustainable, as part of our commitment to caring for the environment, so we have achieved our goal of consuming only green energy with the installation of photovoltaic panels at our headquarters in La Línea.
A team of technicians from the Algeciras-based company Metaelect.System, led by José María Butrón, has installed the panels on part of the roof of the warehouse, without the need to raise the roof. In this way, the panels themselves act as a roof, fully integrating into the installations and generating electricity for their own consumption. The surplus of this energy is fed into the general electricity grid and can be consumed by neighbouring buildings.
ISO certification in environmental management
LA LÍNEA VERTICAL is audited every year and has ISO 14001 certification for environmental standards, which is a sign of our company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness and is an incentive for the more efficient use of resources and the reduction of waste.
Our commitment to the environment and responsible consumption is growing every day. We are increasingly aware, looking towards a more sustainable future. And increasingly, at Línea Vertical, we are thinking big when it comes to meeting these objectives.
Our commitment to the environment and responsible consumption is growing every day. That is why we are increasingly aware, looking towards 2024. And increasingly, at Línea Vertical, we are thinking big when it comes to meeting these objectives.