LA LINEA VERTICAL sponsors several awards of the Andalusian Cup of Climbing in Difficulty

LA LÍNEA VERTICAL continues to support initiatives related to mountaineering and sport climbing, especially when it comes to promoting this practice among young people. For this reason, our company has been present for yet another year at the Andalusia Cup for Difficulty and Speed Climbing, sponsoring several prizes.

Specifically, LA LÍNEA VERTICAL sponsored the first three prizes in the cadet and youth categories (male and female) of the Difficulty Climbing Cup final event, held on 25 and 26 November at the Huelva Sports City climbing wall. The competition was organised by the Federación Andaluza de Deportes de Montaña, Escalada y Senderismo and the Club La Arista, with the collaboration of La Junta de Andalucía.

On Saturday 25th the lower categories took part in the Difficulty Trial. The podiums went to Natalia Hernández Carballar, Lara García Sánchez and Jennifer Cronnelly González; and Oliver Calzado González, David Cronnelly González and Jack Jacobs. In the alevin category (10 and 11 years old), for Silvia Castro Torres, Natalia López Rodríguez and Daniela Jódar García; and Inari Castillo López, Enzo León Martínez and Sebastián Fry. In the children’s category (12 and 13 years old), for Ángela Pérez González, Sofía Valicu Toderescu and Alejandra Ríos Guerrero; and Abel Acosta Carramolino, David Reyes Haro and Nico Amaya López. The podiums in the cadet category (14 and 15 years old) went to Paula Hernández Carballar, África Piedrola Sánchez and Noa Persson Fernández; and Aitor Amaya López, Lucas Villalba Morillo and Alex Velasco Campos.

On Sunday 26th, the Youth (16 and 17 years old), Absolute, Promotion (over 16 years old) and Veterans categories of the Difficulty Race, and the Youth, Absolute and Veterans categories of the Speed Race competed. The podium in the Youth category went to Iris Caplain, Sofía Lerma Sánchez and Sara Peláez Morales; and Juan Infante Miranda, Fernandeo Prieto Prieto and Álvaro Morales Navarro. In the Promotion category, for Gemma Benítez Gordillo and Inma Otero Cifuentes; and Pablo Díaz Márquez, José Antonio Cañamaque López and José Báez Garrido. In the Veteran category, for Rogelio Pascual López, Sergio Godino Aspera and Rubén Montoro Izquierdo. In the Absolute Women, for India Persson Fernández, Paula Traverso Lebrón and Adél Benus; while the podium in the Absolute Men’s category went to Jaime Merino Martínez, Yorkis Emilio Jiménez Pernía and Ismael Redondo Felipe.

For LA LÍNEA VERTICAL, it is a pleasure to be able to sponsor these awards because we understand that the best way to support and enco urage future climbing promises, or even future professionals working at height, is to be present and collaborate with all the activities and championships that take place around this sport.